Music is language itself. It should not have any barriers of caste, creed, language or anything.
Music is one, only cultures are different. Music is the language of languages. It is the ultimate mother of languages -
Film music in India is like pop music in the West.
Movies are the channels for this music. But music stays on long after the films. -
If a music artiste wants to blossom into a full-fledged person, it's not enough if he knows only classical music; nor is it enough if he's well-versed only in Raagas and techniques. Instead, he should be a knowledgeable person interested in life and philosophy. In his personal life there should be, at least in some corner of his heart, a tinge of lingering sorrow. -
Music is a gift from God and every note should be blessed. Otherwise music becomes noise if it is not blessed. I am influenced by Sufism, which is also connected with music. Before composing I pray and beg to God to give me something. I believe every song should have a pure soul in it to reach people.
"You can't have everything in life: What one thinks is possible might not always be so. I try to do my best but, finally, everything lies in God's hands. I consider my skills as a musician to be a blessing from God. Even today, before I perform, I am unsure of whether I will be able to move my audience. I leave everything to Him... He pulls the strings in my life."
"I dont have time to cherish the joys and repent the failures in life . I go on with my work not caring about the response i have got of my previous works"
"Rather than making money I believe in making people happy, all other things are secondary." Money isn't important, creative satisfaction is.
"Swades" is right from my heart. It is simple and sweet music.
How would you describe A.R.Rahman in your own words? "A.R.Rahman is a failure and slowly he is trying to reach something."
In my case, dust has become gold."
"I feel at home with my food and my people."
"Awards come with the blessings from God and it encourages you. At the same time it is not the end and it's a promise and you feel ashamed and ask yourself "What have I done to get this?"
"If a musician wants to blossom into a full-fledged person, it's not enough if he knows only classical music; nor it is enough if he's well-versed only in raagas and techniques. Instead, he should be a knowledgeable person interested in life and philosophy. In his personal life there should be, atleast in some corner of his heart, a tinge of lingering sorrow."
"The search is more important than the destination"
"You are what your deepest desire is. As you desire, so is your intention. As your intention, so is your will. As is your will so is your deed. As is your deed, so is your destiny." --The Upanishads
Courtesy: rahmantimes